Economic Vegan

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

So I  challenged myself to eat vegan for under $5 a day! Not the best in nutrition but in event an emergency happens or I’m strapped for cash I know there are options to alleviate me from straying away from my goals

$1 – 5 packs of Top Ramen Oriental flavor only! A lot of the other flavors contain animal fat/powdered meat (yuck)

I used less than half of the seasoning package and throw in some broccoli and topped it off with chili sauce

$1 – One box of Chicken Flavored Lipton’s Rice (Contains no meat, artificially flavored)

$1  - Can of low sodium black beans w/brown rice

$1 – Can get about 3 bananas and 1 kiwi

$1 – Bunch of Kale or Spinach

Here’s a quick pic of my Ramen Remix

Meatless Creations!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Since starting the plant based diet, I have been very creative with keeping myself interested. Luckily I have not experienced any cravings for meat.

However last week I almost broke down because I needed a hot wing terribly. The recipe below is how I manipulated cauliflower into tasting like chicken, and it actually looked like chicken as well.

For this recipe I used whole wheat flour, in about 2 weeks I will be removing all wheat and gluten from my diet so feel free to use any flour you prefer.

Chicken-less boneless buffalo wings

1 whole cauliflower

Franks red hot wing sauce (read ingredients to ensure its vegan safe)

1 cup of flour

1 cup of almond milk (unsweetened)

Garlic powder

Onion powder

Black pepper

Cajun seasoning

1 ziplock bag

Coconut oil

Wash & Rinse Cauliflower, cut into desired pieces (rinse again)

Create a batter by pouring all ingredients into a bowl

Pour a little flour into the ziplock bag to use for coating

Dip the cauliflower pieces into the batter

Shake in the bag that contains the flour (I added a little seasoning to the flour)

Place in greased pan (coat with coconut oil, or oil of your preference)

Bake for 30 minutes on 400

Broil for 7 minutes with stove open (or until brown/crispy)

Immediately remove and toss in desired wing sauce….. that’s it!!!!

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