Vegan Challenge Countdown

Monday, June 16, 2014

And so it begins…… my official countdown to July 21st I plan to challenge myself to stick to something for once. I am excited about starting my new journey….lately I have experienced different sicknesses when it comes to consuming meat or dairy products.

I know that as we grow older, or bodies also ensure many changes, and may even develop new never before had allergies. Few years ago I found out that dairy products don’t mesh to well with my body any more… I’ll explain in a later entry why dairy isn’t good for me, and possibly you!

I am moving towards a vegan lifestyle because I am over feel lethargic and fed up with not having any energy. As a young woman I need to take ownership over my own destiny while I can. The saying “you are what you eat” is a factual statement. For so long I never fueled my body with any nourishments, I never drank enough water, and if it wasn’t greasy, sweet, or full of  sauce I didn’t desire it. I never ate vegetables and I assumed that being active was only for the athletic. Lately I have incorporated working out with a trainer, juicing, and clean eating into my life style. While I know everything takes time, patience, and faith I also want to be clear that I am not thinking about becoming a vegan for weight loss….mainly to build a better me, spiritually, mentally, and physically. I will try to log my experiences on this journey as much as I can!

Stay tuned for:


Ideas, Tip and Tricks

Venting Session

Deals and Savings

1 comment:

  1. Congrats lady on your new journey. I will be trying your juice and smoothie recipe. That will be my breakfast and lunch substitution


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