July 21st Day one of vegan challenge
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Vegan Haul!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Stopped into my local farmers market today to pick up a fee goodies to prepare for this awesome detox I'll be starting on Monday
Good Belly Probiotics: Vegan friendly! 1 glass a day keeps the dr away lol maybe. This is a healing process for me and I want to fix myself externally to be the best I can be.
Got some new supplements garlic pills and probiotics because you can't overdose on them and I need as much as I can get. In a later detailed post I'll explain why probiotics and garlic will be a big factor in my vegan challenge (and it assist in alleviating bloating)
Until today I assumed I'd be parting ways with yogurts! While browsing I stumbled onto Soy yogurts which will be for breakfast in the morning. There were a variety of maybe 5 brands due to this being a trial and me a bit wasteful I got the one for $1.11 usd Instead of the popular brands. It's completely dairy free!
And last I was recommended to a vegan cuisine restaurant. Yes the whole restaurant caters to vegans only...I was in utter disbelief of how good the dishes I tried tonight were. Whenever I'm in need of a quick meal on the go I'll most definitely be making it my business to stop in to Loving Hut
The excitement of being a vegan is really keeping me on my toes I'm tooooo excited for the unknown. Taking it one day at a time
Count Down to Vegan Journey!! 11 Days Left
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Vegan protein shake
Monday, July 7, 2014
Today I experienced probably one of the best things a vegan can find!!!
I was introduced to a product "Plant fusion" which is actually protein powder that is plant based and consist of soy.
I purchased the chocolate flavor, however it comes in three different options. Chocolate, Vanilla, and Regular (which is great in a green smoothie)
As a woman it's hard to shake my chocolate cravings so I treat myself by having chocolate protein shakes.
Today I used:
8 oz of almond milk
1 scoop of plant fusion powder
2 scoops of PB2
1 Frozen banana
This will be my go to combo as it was a treat within itself. I used to days shake as a meal replacement for dinner. It's been about 4 hours and I have no cravings or any hunger symptoms.