July 21st Day one of vegan challenge

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Well today was exhausting to say the least.... hopefully after tomorrow my energy us built back up! To start my vegan journey off I'm doing a 1 day raw fast and 3 day juice fast by Friday I will start to incorporate a few items back into my diet at a time.  Today wasn't so challenging. No cravings thank god.  However I am considering deactivating my Facebook account. Of all days today has been the day I've noticed everyone eating chicken! I mean varieties galore.
So what did I do? Went for a intense workout and juiced my life away

Skip on over to 7 days later... i've been terrible at updating my blog daily! After my 3 day juice cleanse/reset i managed to lose 4.8 lbs i feel energized i feel light and no longer lethargic! And to top it off i have been able to get up for work on time lol. 

The first 3 days i juiced and ate raw food only, Next time I will try to juice straight through with the attempt of not reaching for a salad, or fruit to hold me over! Unless i am on a strict budget, as I have noticed juicing has become very expensive, the price of produce fluctuates per week. Going forward I will replace 1-2 meals a day with juice or vegan protein shake.I have also decided that every 3 weeks I will perform the 3 day juice fast. See below for a recipes I used to get me through week #1

I caught a sale on $1 pineapples, so I purchased 10! Juiced three and cut and froze seven!

 Green Energy Boost Smoothie

These smoothies are quick easy and tasty! I always prep them for the week because its easy to grab when on the go!

¼ of pineapple
2 handfuls of spinach
½ banana
1 kiwi
8 oz of plain 100% pure coconut water (spring water will work just fine)

Makes about 20 oz

Green Goodness Juice

1 broccoli head
2 bunch of spinach
5 celery stalks
1 bunch of romane
½ pineapple
4 green apples
 Makes about 32 oz (2 servings)

Green Daily Cleanse

1 broccoli head
1 cucumber
1 bunch of kale
1 bunch of spinach
1 bunch of parsley
4 celery stalks
1 bunch of romane
½ pineapple
5 green apples
1 lime
 Makes about 32 oz (2 servings)

Limeade Refresher

½ Raw Ginger
6 apples
7 limes
36 oz of water
2 table spoons of agave

 (2-3 Servings)

Apple Refresher

2 pineapples
3 apples
2 lemons
6 bunch fresh mint
1 bunch of kale (Optional)

Chia Pudding

4 oz of Fresh Almond Milk
2 Tea Spoons of Organic Chia Seeds
Dash of cinnamon and nutmeg
1/3 of pure vanilla
Stevia to taste

Refrigerate for 1-2 hours top with fresh fruit (1 serving)

Fresh Almond Milk

½ cup of raw almonds (soaked for 8 hours)
6 cups of water
6 dates
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp of nutmeg
3 tsp of pure vanilla

Blend until contents become white, strain or refrigerate as is!

Now this is what I call the economic vegan!

After I juice spinach, or all greens (without the fruit) or broccoli I take the pulp and freeze it for later use!
This can be used for pasta, soup or even making fresh preservative free veggie patties/burgers!

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